September 1, 2020
LLRIB Education will be reopening the 2020-2021 school year with a weekly Blended Learning Model in place. All LLRIB students will be placed into two groups: Group A and Group B. Group A will attend one week and Group B will continue Distance Learning; the following week they will alternate. The purpose for the week in class and week at home is to allow for proper contact tracing and cleaning between groups. Groups will be divided based on family connections to support our families who may have children in different schools who care for younger siblings. You will receive a group assignment and calendar indicating which week your child is to attend.
Please see the attached document which provides a quick overview of the changes that have occurred in our reopen planning. We are requesting that parents and community members do not enter the building with your child and that your child use the entry and exit doors that are indicated at their schools. If your child is taking the bus, please let your child know that they will have their temperature checked when they enter, they are to use hand sanitizer, wear a mask and they are to sit in their assigned seating. When possible, please walk or drive your child to school.
If you are still concerned about the safety of your child and would like to know the alternative options that you have as a parent, please see the quick guide below.

School Re-Opening Plan
Weekly Learning Groups
Alternating Week Schedules:
• Students are selected based on their ability to Socially Distance.
• Students are placed in groups that support student success, and students who are in the same households.
• Students will attend one week for in person classroom instruction and will participate in Distance Learning on their alternative week.
• If the same group of students are in attendance for an entire week, this will allow for faster Contact Tracing and an allowable time to show symptoms if they are unwell.