For direct contact info: https://llrib.com/about-us/contact-us/
- Michelle McCallum – Director of Education
- Adrienne Durocher – Superintendent of Special Ed.
- Marcel Isnana – Superintendent of Schools
- Roger Ratt – K-12 Student Services Coordinator
- Kathleen Desautels – Early Childhood Program Manager
- Grace Charles – Education Data Coordinator
- Vacant – Financial Comptroller
- Victoria Beatty- Admin Assistant
- Kelsey Fitch – Receptionist
- Christopher Ratt – Post-Sec Coordinator
- Barbara Cardin-Clinton – Post-Sec Councillor
- Shay Charles – Youth Work Experience Coordinator
Cree Language and Culture Resource
- Minnie McKenzie – Cree Language & Culture Coordinator
- Christina Clarke – Cree Curriculum Developer
- Vacant – Cree Resource Technician
- Jeff Bell – Graphic Designer/Photographer
Eleanor Hegland – Land Based Cultural Instructor (Youth Haven)
- Doris Halkett – Camp Labourer (Youth Haven)
- Alfred Bell – Camp Labourer (Youth Haven)
- Samson Halkett – Camp Attendant (Youth Haven)
Irene Ratt – Nutrition Worker (Youth Haven)
Learning Support Team
- Dave Huizer – Learning Supports Coordinator
- Kary Hepworth – Literacy Coordinator
- Leona McLeod – Numeracy Coordinator
Adult Education
- Vacant – Adult Education Coordinator
Tech Staff
- Gurpreet Singh – IT Administrator
- Tristen Nelson – IT Assistant
Central office administers Daycare, K-12 Education, Post Secondary, Adult Training, & Employment Programs and services. These offices are located in the main Band Office in La Ronge. To ensure local control, the Band Council authorized the communities to elect School Committees. The school committees work directly with their principals, their Education Board, and central office staff, to implement the Band’s education vision.
The central office currently administers K-12 education programs for the communities of Hall Lake, La Ronge, Little Red and Sucker River, as well as the off-reserve post secondary programs for all La Ronge Band members. The schools are listed below:
Hall Lake – Sally Ross School – K-12
Sucker River – Chief Moses Ratt School – K-8
La Ronge – Senator Myles Venne School – 5-12
La Ronge – Bell’s Point Elementary School – K-4
Some of the communities have chosen to administer their programs in their communities.
Stanley Mission began administering their programs in April 1999.
Grandmother’s Bay began administering their programs in October, 2001.
All of the education jurisdictions in those communities are autonomous; they have elected/appointed their own Committees/Boards and have recruited their own administrators. The separate Committee/Boards get together periodically, to review policies and guidelines to try to ensure that all Band members, regardless of their community, are treated in a fair and equitable manner with similar policies and program services being provided.
In Education, our goal is to provide an education system, which equals or exceeds the academic standards of the Province while maintaining or regaining our Cree Language and Culture. Ownership and pride in our schools and in our education system is a priority. Success includes active and positive educators, students, parents and members of the community. We all have to work together to promote better communication throughout our system and to all our communities.
The education of our children is based on the culture, values, skills, and pride of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band. Educational activities reflecting Woodland Cree culture and Cree language are to be integrated into the provincial curricula to provide the educational foundation from which the individual student can learn to live successfully and happily in any society.
By providing educational experiences that interconnect the child’s community, Cree language, history, and culture, the provincial curricula, and the world at large, our children will acquire the skills, knowledge, and strength to enable them to assume productive roles as adults.
The Lac La Ronge Indian Band, N-12 Education Program will provide an education that meets the unique needs of our children; that emphasizes the four goals of pride, culture, skills, and values; and that helps our children achieve academic excellence and proficiency with the Cree Language.
The Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Post Secondary and Adult Training Program will provide support to Lac La Ronge Indian Band members to gain access to post secondary education, training, and employment opportunities to attain the qualifications, skills and experience needed to pursue individual careers which will further contribute to effective Band government and economic self reliance.
1. To provide a quality standardized educational program for all students in a safe and caring environment.
2. To provide educational opportunities for all our students to learn and develop the knowledge and the skills needed to successfully participate in society.
3. To provide educational programs that will develop pride in our students.
4. To provide educational programs that promotes and upholds the traditional values of the members of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band.
5. To restore and maintain Cree language and culture.
6. To ensure that Lac La Ronge Band members have access to financial support for post secondary education opportunities.
7. To ensure that post secondary educational and technical/trades training opportunities are provided for Lac La Ronge Indian Band members.
8. To initiate and facilitate work experience and employment opportunities for Lac La Ronge Indian Band members.